Ministering With Grace

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by Pastor QT Nyathi

Jesus ministered with kindness, forbearance, patience, tenderness, elegance, propriety, friendship, favour, and beauty. All these are attributes of grace. As his servants we must also minister with grace just like our loving Master. What are the characteristics of a grace-based ministry?

1: Grace-based ministries accept people just as they are.

Jesus totally accepted people without prejudging them. He conversed with prostitutes, dined with corrupt public officials, and received known sinners. That way He was able to help many people because of His gracious demeanour.

Likewise, Christ’s servants must accept people just as they are warts and all.

Welcome and embrace people regardless of the nature of their struggles. Believe their stories no matter how horrific or eerie they may sound. Accept them in the beloved.

2: Grace-based ministries are attractive.

Grace is attractive. That is why Jesus drew crowds like a magnet; they just couldn’t have enough of this pleasant thing called grace. All sorts of people followed Jesus wherever He went including men, women, children, public officials, Samaritans, rich folk, and the poor.

Everybody loved Jesus.

People were comfortable around Him. Once we tune our ministry antennas to the grace station we will be amazed at the numbers we will draw with ease.

3: Grace-based ministries treat people with respect and dignity.

Oh the dignity and respect with which our Lord treated people.

Grace beatifies the ugly, dresses the naked, and freely gives to the undeserving. Jesus respected women who were treated with contempt during His time. He wasn’t too busy to talk to children.

Anybody could have an audience with Jesus.

He gave people full attention whether it was in public or in private. Let’s minister with grace by respecting God’s image in people regardless of status, gender, tribe, race, religion, and country of origin.

Indeed grace came by Jesus Christ. (John1:17) So, we, His servants, must also exude grace as we minister to His precious people whom He purchased with His own blood. Anything less would be a misrepresentation of our Lord.

Pastor QT is a published author, copywriter and speaker. His sincerity, wit and candid style have endeared him to many hearts. His book DELIVERANCE UNPACKED has been warmly received globally. He conducts spicy marriage and singles seminars with his feisty wife Bonani.


Article Source: WRITERS

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