God Will Supply

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by Sheila Mills  
12/07/2016 / Devotionals

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. –Philippians 4:19 (ESV)

After a good night’s sleep, I awoke feeling “out of sorts.” Yet, I could not readily identify the cause of my mood. The day before had been fairly uneventful, so I was more than a bit puzzled as to my anxious state of mind. However, during my Bible study time, God used Philippians 4:19 to speak quietly to my heart:

“I will supply your need when you give up your want.”

OUCH! Immediately I understood what I wanted and what I needed were in opposition to each other. God’s conviction came over me as I realized I had been trying to play Him in my situation. His truth was hard-hitting (and well deserved, I might add): “Darling child of Mine, I don’t need your help or opinions. I need your cooperation and obedience.”

Many people spend their lives seeking to satisfy a list of wants instead of turning to God and allowing Him to supply what is lacking. Are you seeking your own solution or turning to God for the necessary supplies that will get you through whatever you might be facing today?

Sheila Mills (c) 2016. Sheila is an author, musician and speaker who lives in Kentucky. She is the author of “Beauty in the Brokenness” Bible study, based on the woman at the well’s encounter with Jesus in John, chapter 4. Several of her song lyrics have been published in poetry books.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.comCHRISTIAN WRITERS

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